Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Republicans Hearts are Made of Stone

A couple of years ago I called them Michigan Senate majority leader Mike Bishop coldhearted because he supported delaying unemployment benefits for needy working families and anything being Michigan promise scholarship for many deserving college students. Unfortunately, Republicans in the state legislature parts are made of stone because they have passed destructive legislation that would make George Bush say "damm". Earlier this month I spoke about how Gov. Rick Snyder and his wacko far right conservative allies in the state legislature passed legislation which strips the cities and school districts of their right to determine their own financial future. Now hear news that next year taxes are going up on those who have less in our society. Seniors will face increased taxes on their pensions also are unemployed or underemployed or face tax increases and those who make the most in our society will receive tax cuts. On May 14, 2011 the Detroit news reported that because of the improving economic situation in Michigan the House and Senate fiscal agencies report that the state see up to $700 million in additional revenue this year. But they also warn that because of the business tax cuts passed by the state legislature it would not make up a possible 1.8 billion dollar hole that would be in our state budget by 2012.

The Republican Party has signaled that they are the party rich and powerful and well-connected. Their budget reflects thet. Republicans have just about passed a budget that cut millions of much-needed dollars away from higher education would result in higher tuition and fee rates at just about every public university in the state. Which would make it almost impossible for possibly thousands of high school graduates to attend college this fall. They also passed major cuts in K-12 funding in which more public school districts will have to cut more teachers with the result in bigger class sizes with will diminish the education that thousands of school-age children will receive in the fall. Many special academic programs like advanced placement will have to be eliminated in order to try and bring the budget into balance. Many districts are even looking at eliminating many afterschool programs such as athletics, cheerleading and music programs.

But it's not just education that will feel the pain in some way every citizen of the state will feel the pain of these destructive far right policies. The governor has signaled that he plans to close over 20 state police stations. This will mean less police protection and more criminals getting away with their crimes. Our children, seniors and businesses we affected by streets that will now be less safe. Republicans plan to cut revenue sharing which will have a disastrous effect on municipalities across Michigan. The city of Detroit is already facing a $200 million budget deficit. With revenue cuts that are on the way that deficit will likely balloon to three or $400 million if not worse. This means that cities across Michigan will cut local police, fire, EMS services. Public parks in our communities will likely be sold to the highest bidder from our children will have less safe areas to play in.

Recently we've heard news that the crime, Detroit 187 has been canceled by ABC. This is because Gov. Snyder and his infinite wisdom decided that Michigan did not need any film tax credit which is stated in place would've helped to create hundreds if not thousands of jobs here in Michigan.

As I stated before Gov. Snyder promised voters in Michigan that he would create more jobs instead of keeping that promise he and his party have placed their hearts from cold stone. The lining the pockets of their rich friends and making life even more difficult for those who already having a difficult time. So it is fair for me to say that the GOP heart is nothing but a lifeless stone.

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