Friday, May 13, 2011

My Mistake

A few months ago I should've told this girl who are known for 13 years that I liked her. I finally got around to it in March of this year. By Christmas of last year she had gotten back with her boyfriend for high school. I am writing this note to all those shy guys out there, most of us are really going guys. We may not be athletes or the smartest folks the world but we do understand how difficult it is to attract the attention of women. I want to let you know that sometimes you are going to have to take a leap of faith when it comes to that special someone. Now of course you have to really be sure is that someone is really special to you. If they are U. cannot be scared or live in fear of what their reaction might be. If you wait too long you may lose your chance you just never know how many chances you are going to get. Some guys have plenty of ladies chasing after them there is no reason for them to fear rejection. As a shy guy you have to ask yourself the following question is the person that you're interested in worth the pain of rejection? If the answer is yes then you need to take a leap of faith. Don't have any regrets because you may have been too scared to take a risk. Especially, is that risk is a worthy one. Is that special someone is really special to you then maybe it's time to let them know.

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