Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC Day 2

Last night convention was better in the fact that the speakers went on the attack a lot more. Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) said in his speech “John McCain calls himself a maverick but he votes with Bush 90% of the time that is not a maverick that is a side kick.” This is the type of language that democrats should be using on John Bush McCain. Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) in the same speech “They cut taxes for the must of us and past the pain to the lest of us. They give huge subsidies to Oil companies and they ask for four more years, how about four more months.” This show me democrats are doing a better job of framing there massage.

Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) gave democrats some red meat that is well done to eat last night. He said “John McCain voted 25 times against renewable and alternative energy.” Also “ John McCain has taken more than a million dollars in campaign contributions from the gas and industry.” These fact can be used in ads and talking points by left 527 groups. This a go was to get the word out.

Gov. Ted Strickland (D-OH) “John McCain has no problem hitting the snooze button on the economy because he’s never been apart of the middle class. And I would like to say to him Sen. John McCain it’s time for your wake-up call. This step up rhetoric is what is need to fight McCain with. They need to do more of the same.

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