Friday, August 29, 2008

All could be lost

It will be a great day when Obama takes the oath of office. After 8 years of oil wars, lies, and policies the benefit the rich it will be a great day. We must not become complacent, we steel must fight to make sure that every vote is counted. We must also make sure that every person who is 18 or over will go and vote. The time for talk has ended and action must be taken now. Change will not come if we sat and do nothing, it will come when people get up a do something like Rosa Parks when she did not get up.

Obama is not the only race we should look at. People must keep in mind that the president is only one part of our government . We have to have a Congress that reflexes the change that we need in the U.S. Republicans in the Congress have stop many good pieces of legislation like the Children’s health insurance program. A law that would have give 10 million kids health insurance. Bush vetoed this good bill and house Republicans would not override the veto. In the Senate Republicans would not allow a final vote on legislation that would tax the profits on oil companies, like Exxon Mobil who made $64.7 billion in three months. We need to have members in congress who also believe in change.

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