Dear Councilwoman Alberta Tinsley-Talabi,
I recently received a copy of your spring 2009 community update. Any delay cow five specific reasons why you could not support the proposed transfer of the Cobo exhibition center to a regional authority. I would like to address these five stars that you laid out because I disagree with all of the reasons the layout. In your first reason you claim that the parking revenues from the Cobo would have a negative impact on the Council's ability to deal with the city's budget deficit. First off the reason why we're still in the budget deficit is because the Council continues to spend money that we don't have. Instead of making the tough choices such as eliminating departments at combining departments which would make city government more efficient the Council continues to allow business to go on as usual. Secondly, money from a parking structure is not a good way to stabilize the city budget. Creating a better economic environment in the city for small-business tax cuts and property tax cuts would create a better economic environment in Detroit so that small businesses can grow. This will be a better way to permanently address the city's budget deficit.
In your second reason why you could not support the deal you question the government structure that the Cobo would go to. In many other cities across this country, exhibition centers such as the one we have in Detroit I not only by one city they are in the hands of a regional authority or some sort of nonprofit organization. This specific argument that you may a similar to one previous mayors transferred management of the Detroit Institute of arts, the Detroit zoo and other similar venues around Detroit. The fact is the city of Detroit is not have them signs to continue to operate these venues. If I were to go to New York today it will be the same story the city of New York would go bankrupt if they try to own every museum that is their. Your third reason that you provide it claim he that there was no timeline I thought was the weakest excuse of all of them. We are no timeline if you were to get this money and the deals happen the time I would be by the in 2011 or 2012 auto show.
The fourth reason you provide it state that you could not support any deal that did not include at least a minimum of 30% geographical preference for Detroit residents and businesses. I would think that if anyone was going to run the Cobo they would want the experience of much if not all of the current staff that work there. Councilwoman let's just be honest some people may get laid off some of them probably will deserve it. I have all the times that I have gone to Cobo for different events there have always been at least one person that has not had any very nice attitude. Or some of the prices they charge are completely unfair. It's just like on the buses a number of the drivers have rotten attitudes. Especially when you ask them why they're late coming to your stop or they get mad at you if you tell them where you need to go. And your final reason you claim that you would not know the full impact of the transfer on city employees. Councilwoman for some reason many Council members believe that government is supposed to be all to everyone. This thinking is outdated, the city of Detroit cannot employ every single person in this here. We should be focusing our efforts on creating an environment where business can grow. We should also be encouraging citizens to go back to school to get retrained so that when the economy starts to turn around they would be able to find good paying jobs. The days of working in a factory and then retiring has ended. People must look at other industries if they want to make a living for themselves. A large part of that is going back to school and getting some sort of certification or degree.
Councilwoman I do not write this letter out of disrespect I write it as a concerned citizen who believes that are city is on the wrong path. Out of all of the other Council members you are one of the few that has my respect. You conduct yourself type of grace and dignity that one would expect from a public official. For that I thank you. I just disagree with your vote to kill the Cobo deal. I hope that you will reconsider your position.
Donald L. Stuckey II
Precinct Delegate
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