Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time to get rid of the idiots

Now that the special election is over Detroit can move on to its main election business and decide who was going to run the city for the next four years. Now one good thing did happen, Detroit voters approved a new charter revision commission. This commission will be given the responsibility of fixing the city charter so that it will actually work. One of the biggest things that need to be fixed is the city Council. Right now you have a bunch of clowns are trying to make decisions about the lives of more than 900,000 people. If I heard Barbara Rose-Collins and Monica Conyers I would be very fearful of my future. They are the problem but when people are in their 40s 50s and 60s that they act no better than two and three-year-old little kids. If you watched some of my recent video on YouTube you would see why. With all the problems that are facing you would think that these folks would want to stop acting like idiots. Detroit has double digit unemployment, there is a stack of foreclosed properties in Detroit, and there is$ 200 to $300 million budget deficit. These are issues that are city Council needs to be looking at, not consistently acting like numbskulls at the counsel table.

Now despite what your political affiliations are there is no reason for elected officials to act like they have no home training. I can remember the many video I've seen with Monica Conyers calling people names and arguing at the counsel table. It makes no sense at all this woman even got into an argument with an eighth grader. In my opinion the eighth-grader should have her job and Conyers should be back in eighth grade. Barbara Rose-Collins these to go check herself into a retirement home because when you start singing Onward Christian soldier while TV cameras are in the room and when you decide to comes to meeting with a Tierra and a big yellow dress then it is time for you to retire. The city Council cannot boast one thing they've done to help the people of Detroit out in the last four years. Life in Detroit has not gotten any better is not in a significant job growth or crime reduction in the last four years. We have had major magazines call Detroit one of the worst cities in America. And with the type of leadership in place there not all that wrong.

I graduated from high school in 2003, after checking Facebook I have found that many of my high school friends have moved out of Detroit. And with good reason if you have gotten your college degree why should you have to stay in the city where the leaders are idiots and the schools suck. I had a friend that got her degree in engineering from the University of Michigan she moved out and left for Virginia. One of my friends and my graduating class that attended my high school got her associate's degree from a community college she moved out to a suburb of Chicago. Another friend who played in the marching band with me got his degree and moved to Orlando, Florida. I am thinking about following suit, if there is going to continue to be numbskull in the city then I am not going to raise a family here. While other cities across the country are investing in green job and finding new ways to attract young people Detroit is still stuck in the past. The team wouldn't have the same old dumb argument that have dominated politics in the city for generations. And now we're starting to pay dearly for it. I hope the voters of Detroit will get a clue and clear out the entire Detroit city Council.

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