Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bellyaching from House Republicans

You know during the summer people like to do all sorts of things like go to the beach, play baseball it is have the time. Here Detroit it's raining today so instead of engaging in some fun summer activities I decided just to watch a little TV. So since I wanted to know what was going on the world of politics right now I turn to one of my favorite channels c-span. And I decided to watch the US House of Representatives. Now for the last two hours I have heard Republican after Republican come up and complain about the president's healthcare legislation. Now if we all remember during the Clinton administration President Clinton understood thin needed to be reformed. But because of the special-interest that control the Republican Party and some Democrats who were scared of a little political heat defeated Bill Clinton's efforts to reform healthcare. I say no more we need to reform healthcare now. The Republicans are not offering any realistic alternatives that are continuing to call healthcare reform socialize medicine, government run healthcare.

Now how did all of this bellyaching from House Republicans get started? Well the answer comes from a press conference that Michael Steele the chairman of the Republican national committee hailed yesterday. He basically called on all Republicans to attack president Obama on his healthcare plan and the stimulus legislation that was passed earlier this year. So the Republicans tagline is where are the jobs. Well I have an answer last ask former president George W. Bush. We lost some 3 million jobs during his last year in office. Because of his policies America was led into the worst recession since the Great Depression. Some economists are saying that we will possibly be out of recession by the end of this year. That's because president Obama began putting in the correct policies that will get this country back on track. But instead of Republicans working with the president and the Democratic majority in Congress they have decided to become the party of no. That's because Republicans continue to care more about the status quo and the rich, big business and special interests over regular everyday Americans.

And I think sometimes that Republicans forget that much of the economic turmoil that we're seeing now comes from the exact policies that they put in place when they had control of Congress and the White House. It is inaccurate to blame president Obama and congressional Democrats for current conditions when Republicans were the exact cause of the current conditions that we are seeing in this country. Instead of wanting to reform healthcare which we know will help drive down the deficit Republicans want to continue seeing more than 40 million Americans without health coverage even more Americans without adequate coverage. Republicans want to continue to spend billions and billions of dollars on healthcare while Americans continue to get sicker and sicker. I healthcare system is the laughingstock of the world it is a shame that the richest country on the face of the planet had taped his poor health care system. I know people in Detroit who has cancer, epilepsy, diabetes and many other debilitating diseases that if they were able to go see a doctor they could feel much better. Republicans think of themselves and their rich buddies instead of everyday Americans. That's why the American people put them on of office and elected a president and a Congress that eventually going to do the job. No more waiting reform healthcare now.