Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bad move

Well today's been made official stupidity knows no bounds when it comes to politics. In the great state of Illinois also known as the land of Lincoln Democratic governor Rod Blagojevich who is under federal investigation for trying to sell the Senate seat of President-elect Obama. Now today he is made of very gutsy gets stupid move. He has appointed former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat. One would ask why with this idiot do this, you would think he would do the smart thing but other embattled Governors or mayors would do and that is to resign from his office. Now this Roland Burris himself is a very respectable person. He was the first African-American in Illinois to hold a statewide office. Why would he disgraced himself by accepting the nomination from a governor who has clearly lost the confidence of the people of his state. He may have done it for peer lead political reasons but he has just destroyed any remaining of his political career. He actually said earlier in December that the governor should step down. Yet he is accepting a nomination for you the U.S. Senate from them.

What concerns me about this appointment is the fact that Roland Burris claims that he has no relation to what is going on with Gov. Blagojevich. But why would he accept a nomination from him. This not only brings into question his integrity but also his judgment and leadership. If he were to get into the Senate I don't believe he would have any type of ability to get things done for the people of Illinois. It is very clear to see how big the head of Blagojevich is. He is doing this to try and save himself, he is thinking more about himself than the integrity of the office of which he holds. The first thing that Blagojevich is rescinded the appointment and then he still resign his office. He is doing such a disservice to our democracy by find a hold on to office which he is going to qualify to be. This is the same issue that people in Detroit had to deal with this year. We had a mayor that refuse to accept the fact that he had done wrong. For months people in Detroit had to put up with his mess. Gov. Blagojevich should follow the example of the former New York governor and immediately resign.

First of all I believe that the Democrats in the Illinois legislature failed to pass legislation that would allow for a special election. The governor has given Republicans in the Illinois more ammunition to use against Democrats in future elections. He is doing a great disservice to his state and for his party. For the sake of decency and the integrity of our party and the people of his state he needs to leave office right now. The people of this country have just elected an agent of change. Gov. you do not represent what the people of Illinois and of the United States have voted for it is time to step aside.