Monday, July 7, 2008

The ture issue the economy

There has been a lot of talk on the economy in the last few months. It is the some story six months of job loss, income is down and cost of food, gas, etc. is up. Most of us feel this everyday. John McCain and his Republican friends is trying to sell us the same old story.

For some reason Republicans think that the some old cut, cut and cut more taxes for big business will help the average person pay for high living cost that people are facing every day. The fact is McCain is playing the same game Bush has been playing for the last seven and a half years. His plan would give tax cuts to Exxon mobile a company that made over $100 billion dollars in the first 3 months of this year. To me this sounds like Bush. If you make that much money you do not need a tax cut.

There are many thing that John McCain has not talked about like for me is the cost of college. I have talked before how Democrats have tried to help college students. Obama would give student a chances to earn $4,000 every year by doing community service work. This is a good idea. McCain has no plan the help college students pay for school. Believe me I have been looking.

Obama has a good tax plan, His plan would cut tax for families that make less that $250,000 a year. This means my mom would see more money in her pocket. Also under his plan my mom would get help to pay for the mortgages and the cost of fuel. This plan would be good for her because she is working on a second degree and I am work on my first degree. McCain’s plan would just say go luck.

John McCain has no plans to help fix America’s ageing infuscate. Obama will invest billons in to projects that will send many people back to work. This is what the U.S. needs a new direction.