Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pointless attacks

Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. will be in Detroit in the next two weeks. The last time he was hear he spoke at the freedom fund dinner. Many in the news has tried to use him to make Barack Obama look bad. Now I think that Rev. Wright has said some things that I do not agree with. There are better ways of making a point that saying “God dam Americana.” But it dose not mean that he is not telling the true on some issue. The fact is that the U.S. has a long history of oppression of its people. Rev. Wright just did not commutate this in a way that would have to some effect but would have come off more respectful. I would like to see Rev. Wright find new way of make his point that will sound better and will not turn people away.

The right is trying to use Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright to make Barack Obama look bad. This is only thing that has a chances of sticking. The right has tried many issue to discrete Obama. They pointed out that Obama dose not ware a U.S. flag pen on his suit. The reason they pointed this out is they tried to say that Barack is unpatriotic. I am sure you can see how absurd this is. The next thing the right tried on Obama is the fact that his middle name is “Hussein.” They said that Obama had a Muslim heritage and that he had ties to terrorists. an extremist group sent e-mails saying thing like "President Barack Hussein Obama ... the scariest four words in the English language!" This old tacked the right tried to uses for years. In the 1964 election the right said the Kennedy would govern to the U.S. have the pope would tell him to. Then the People of the U.S. did not believe that crap.

The right knows they can no win in a policy debate. The only thing they can do is engage in pointless attacks. The right can tell us why after five years why we are steel in Iraq. They can now tell us they are going to fix the U.S. healthcare. The right has no plan to help student pay for college. They know the LGBT issue will not give team a victory this year. I believe that the right know they are wrong.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Democrats looking out for the college student

Democrats are looking out for the college student. Everyone knows what the problem is. One college by the time I have kids that are ready to go the college that will have to pay more that $100,000 to go to school. Many working class families and work poor families are going to lose the change to work there way out of poverty. We all know that someone who has a college degree will have a better change of living a good middle class life. That will be less likely to get involved in crime and that will help keep to U.S. economy strong. During the six year that Bush had the congress he did little to help the college student. Bush tried to cut americorps program that give money to student for school if that did so many hours of volunteer work. I as sure you are thinking how can go to sleep at night.

Over the last year and a half Democrats have been working hard to help college student. On 1/17/07 Democrats in the U.S. house passed the The College Student Relief Act of 2007. This law would cut interest rates in half for undergraduate students with subsidized student loans -- those most in financial need -- over the next five years at no new cost to taxpayers. Also it would increasing efficiency in the student loan programs and redirecting all savings directly back into the hands of students. Democrats got Bush to sign The College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. This law will Cut interest rates in half on subsidized student loans over the next four years, increase the maximum Pell Grant scholarship to $5400 over the next five years, Expanding eligibility through needs analysis to include and serve more students with financial need, provid upfront tuition assistance to qualified undergraduate students who commit to teaching in public schools, and provide Historically Black Colleges and Universities with $510 million over five years. This was last year.

This year Dems in the house passed the College Opportunity and Affordability Act. This bill would Encourage colleges to rein in price increases and provide consumers with helpful information, it would Restore integrity and accountability to the student loan programs, Simplify the federal student aid application process and make text more cheaper. Also Democrats got Bush to sign Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008 this will Reduce borrowers’ reliance on costlier private college loans and encourage responsible borrowing, Give parent borrowers more time to begin paying off their federal PLUS college loans, and help struggling families pay for college. Democrats have been busy doing what I need for the college student Bush with his party in control of congress did not do this much for students.

. Everyone knows what the problem is. One college by the time I have kids that are ready to go the college that will have to pay more that $100,000 to go to school. Many working class families and work poor families are going to lose the change to work there way out of poverty. We all know that someone who has a college degree will have a better change of living a good middle class life. That will be less likely to get involved in crime and that will help keep to U.S. economy strong. During the six year that Bush had the congress he did little to help the college student. Bush tried to cut americorps program that give money to student for school if that did so many hours of volunteer work. I as sure you are thinking how can go to sleep at night.

Over the last year and a half Democrats have been working hard to help college student. On 1/17/07 Democrats in the U.S. house passed the The College Student Relief Act of 2007. This law would cut interest rates in half for undergraduate students with subsidized student loans -- those most in financial need -- over the next five years at no new cost to taxpayers. Also it would increasing efficiency in the student loan programs and redirecting all savings directly back into the hands of students. Democrats got Bush to sign The College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. This law will Cut interest rates in half on subsidized student loans over the next four years, increase the maximum Pell Grant scholarship to $5400 over the next five years, Expanding eligibility through needs analysis to include and serve more students with financial need, provid upfront tuition assistance to qualified undergraduate students who commit to teaching in public schools, and provide Historically Black Colleges and Universities with $510 million over five years. This was last year.

This year Dems in the house passed the College Opportunity and Affordability Act. This bill would Encourage colleges to rein in price increases and provide consumers with helpful information, it would Restore integrity and accountability to the student loan programs, Simplify the federal student aid application process and make text more cheaper. Also Democrats got Bush to sign Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008 this will Reduce borrowers’ reliance on costlier private college loans and encourage responsible borrowing, Give parent borrowers more time to begin paying off their federal PLUS college loans, and help struggling families pay for college. Democrats have been busy doing what I need for the college student Bush with his party in control of congress did not do this much for students.

some info came from-